January 29, 2009

Clark St.

Prince St.

January 26, 2009

8 seconds in Brooklyn

South Park Slope.. hunting for a heath bar.

Seventh Ave.

January 24, 2009

The old camera

This had a really good lens and served me very well for four years. Switched over a few days ago to a Canon G10. It's pretty great too.

For oil only

The space

has gone down considerably. And this is Brooklyn, even.

Christmas presents

I still haven't sent but will.

A painting by Victor Maldonado

With ink swatches.





Bears; at home.

D in midtown, 6pm

January 23, 2009

a charming little package

At Minca Ramen Factory. It seems to taste much better when there's less of it.

Midnight Pingpong